Tuesday 29 November 2011


Hello fellow readers, it's been a crap day.

My brother, failed to deliver my letter to Romeo about his own Juliet. This may cause some problems that some guy named Romeo might have some suicidal tendancys when he sees his Juliet dead on the floor.

Nothing I can do, I may get there in time for Juliet to wake up. However Romeo will be there...dead. As it's been my plan all the long. Putting him out of his misery.

My editor asked me what I found awesome. Things I find awesome are learning medicine, inventing new types of potions, loving my friends and family.

I remember the days when life was free and Romeo was young, free and insightful. When families weren't holding grudges for months, even years.

Wednesday 23 November 2011


Hello fellow readers, today I apprently gave some medicine to some Juliet. You know...her.

Juliet, shes going to mess this up. She is going to get WAY to exited, and wake up early hoping that Romeo will be there. She's not the sharpest tool in the shed, then again neither is Romeo. Those love crazied fools are meant for each other. To be fair though, Paris is pretty bad too.

Although apprently I have an exclusive interview.

Interviewer: So, I heard you sell drugs and do weddings. Two very fancy lifestyles.
Friar: Yes, very very fancy.
Interviewer: What kind of drugs.
Friar: Messy legal ones, I like to keep my job and make people "happy".
Interviewer: Can I have some?
Friar: Yeah here *gives interviewer poison*
Interviewer: Thanks for your time.
Friar: Sure thing.

Friday 18 November 2011

Somehow I knew this was going to happen...

Hello fellow readers, I have some unbearing news. Later today I recieved news of Mercutio's death, he apprently was stabbed by Tybalt of the Capulet family. 10 minutes after Mercutio's mishap, I hear that Tybalt was also stabbed by Romeo.

I have felt a deep sadness and pray for Mercutio's soul. 2 hours after both murders took place I hear the Prince exiles Romeo from Verona. The public does not know that Romeo is married and I suspect Juliet is hearing the news right now.

Romeo came over in tears not just for Mercutio, but for Juliet as well.
I told him he will stay in Mantua.

Monday 14 November 2011

So...heres my day.

Hello fellow readers, I have another story to tell.

Romeo approached me today and he looked deeply in love between him and the Capulets daughter, Juliet.

Romeo wished that he and Juliet get married in secret, I asked him if he was making the choice since his break-up with Rosaline. He was so sure of his confessed love.

After a couple hours or so, Romeo and Juliet both came to me and we went off. I can't exactly tell you where we are going. You will find out soon!

Bye now!
-Friar Lawrence

Monday 7 November 2011


Hello fellow readers, you may have gotten to my journal. You may not have heard of me, but I am probably gonna be one of the key roles in this epic tale of love.

I am a citizen of Verona and apart of the Montague family. I also sell medicine for those in need. Last I heard there was a fight between the Montague and Capulet. There was minimal blood shed, because our royal prince stopped it.
Devilish Capulet's started everything.

Bye now!
-Friar Lawrence.