Monday 14 November 2011

So...heres my day.

Hello fellow readers, I have another story to tell.

Romeo approached me today and he looked deeply in love between him and the Capulets daughter, Juliet.

Romeo wished that he and Juliet get married in secret, I asked him if he was making the choice since his break-up with Rosaline. He was so sure of his confessed love.

After a couple hours or so, Romeo and Juliet both came to me and we went off. I can't exactly tell you where we are going. You will find out soon!

Bye now!
-Friar Lawrence


  1. Thank you so much for helping us be together forever. You're a good friend and I respect you deeply, god bless you kind sir.

  2. If this marraige is a secret then why would you post it on here. This is just a rumor you are all lying so that I kill Romeo and get hung.

  3. So I hear your marrying my best pal, thats pretty cool for a three year old!

  4. Thank you so much! You made them so happy!
