Friday 18 November 2011

Somehow I knew this was going to happen...

Hello fellow readers, I have some unbearing news. Later today I recieved news of Mercutio's death, he apprently was stabbed by Tybalt of the Capulet family. 10 minutes after Mercutio's mishap, I hear that Tybalt was also stabbed by Romeo.

I have felt a deep sadness and pray for Mercutio's soul. 2 hours after both murders took place I hear the Prince exiles Romeo from Verona. The public does not know that Romeo is married and I suspect Juliet is hearing the news right now.

Romeo came over in tears not just for Mercutio, but for Juliet as well.
I told him he will stay in Mantua.


  1. I did not mean for this to happen, I am truly sorry for what I have done.I beg for the Capulet's forgiveness and hope they understand. I dont know what I shall do now but I hope I will still be able to see the fair Juliet without getting into trouble. I wish that this day never happened. RIP Mercutio and Tybalt...

  2. I wish I knew thet they got married so I could have seen this coming

  3. Mercutio was a good man, may he rest in peace <3

  4. WHERE IS ROMEO!!!?!!

    -Lord Montague.

  5. Friar, you are a good man to help Romeo ...

  6. Friar I respect that you are trying to help your friend but Romeo does not deserve to be here.
