Tuesday 29 November 2011


Hello fellow readers, it's been a crap day.

My brother, failed to deliver my letter to Romeo about his own Juliet. This may cause some problems that some guy named Romeo might have some suicidal tendancys when he sees his Juliet dead on the floor.

Nothing I can do, I may get there in time for Juliet to wake up. However Romeo will be there...dead. As it's been my plan all the long. Putting him out of his misery.

My editor asked me what I found awesome. Things I find awesome are learning medicine, inventing new types of potions, loving my friends and family.

I remember the days when life was free and Romeo was young, free and insightful. When families weren't holding grudges for months, even years.


  1. Got any reincarnation potions? Thanks for killing everybody so they can join me

  2. WHAT???? why did you do to juliet? i thought she is dead?

  3. got any potions left for me

  4. thanks for trying to help me!

  5. Yea thanks for getting the letters to me on time....But I guess your a good man since you did help Juliet and I be together.
